First, the AAC specialist told me that an IPad had been approved for Sophia as well as a communication app. I am so happy and excited and also very grateful. I know that very often parents have to fight the school to get what their child needs, things like more therapy hours or a 1 on 1, let alone a communication device. We have been very lucky from the very beginning, Sophia's teacher adores her and she is always looking for new ideas to help Sophia progress. Not only the school gave us a 1 on 1 for Sophia, but they found the best one!! Lauren knows Sophia's body language and genuinely loves her and I know the feeling is mutual. I have great communication with the two of them and we are all on the same page as far as what we want for Sophia. We are definitely lucky.
Second, Sophia has had a lot of progress in her motor skills. She is behaving like a kid her developmental age would. She is very curious and likes to explore around (usually where she is not supposed to explore, lol), she is pulling herself up to the standing position again which is awesome because she had stopped doing that after the first time she got dehydrated and was admitted to the hospital back in October. She is also back on trying to go up the stairs by herself, it's so exciting to see her cruising along the couch and then reach for the coffee table and then back to the couch, all by herself!!
And third, Sophia is really looking for interaction with others, with me, with her daddy and with her classmates, which is great because usually she is the one initiating the interaction, that is going to be key for her when she uses the IPad because she has the motivation to communicate. We are not sure when the IPad is going to be available for Sophia, hopefully this week or the next one. In the meantime, we are using two buttons that record sounds for 10 seconds. One says "ALL DONE" and the others says "MORE" just like on the IPad:
We are using these during meal time for now, the idea is to use them while playing too. When she masters these, we can add more buttons. We are going to let Sophia take the lead and she'll show us when she is ready for more.
The description of this blog is: "A peek into the unique world of the girl that amazes me everyday." That has never been more true than these last few days. Sophia amazes me everyday.